
Why Suivinet ?

All the tools you need to manage and edit your school



Improve communication with parents and students!

Internal messaging

Track your emails and SMS

Send an email to one or more classes

Send an SMS to one or more classes

Suivinet facilitates communication between users


Suivinet allows you to manage the school taking into account the specific standards of the school. School life management system reduces administrative work It only takes a few clicks to help manage and improve facility management with a simple and easy-to-use interface


Here is a registration management solution that has been well received by parents. We ensure that children are followed at school, while ensuring the confidentiality of their personal data. The simple and clear dashboard no training required. Real-time monitoring of children’s performance and behavior


Suivinet allows the management of teachers and provides an interface for consulting timetables, managing absences and recording student grades and textbooks. Assign homework, grade it, then easily view it in one view. Then you can store and share any digital material with your students, parents and colleagues so that they can access and use them immediately.


 It only takes a few clicks to improve management, allowing you to manage your establishment through an easy-to-use interface. Follow your professional life, even on the go Wherever you are, you can access followin and on your tablet or smartphone. Follow daily life and continue to manage school life as with SUIVINET.



Academic success depends on good communication with parents. SUIVINET can help you simplify information from admission to school: educational and financial monitoring, school advice and textbooks. With the help of SUIVINET, the school should contact the parents to update the progress of the child.

Accessible and dynamic interface